
Under the blade of BESSNYC4

Celebrated NY artist Doug Abraham is well known for his pop-inflicted reworking of global clichés. His recent collaboration with Marc Jacobs demonstrates his dark and edgy take on images rejuvenating collaboration with fashion. He digs deep into sex and violence, when Art meets Fashion.

For Behind The Blinds, he tells us how and why. 


Is sexy a particular kind of disgust?

It can be. A compassionate disgust.

How hard do you believe art and crime are related?

They're both defined by the institution. 

Is fashion spreading beauty?

Ok, sure.

Could fashion images do without sexual stimulation?

Or with more... all images could do with more of everything... more more more.

 There is a criminal feel to your images, do you consider yourself more like a criminal or a thief?


Do you find stuffed animals beautifuly awkward or just plain ugly?

I like cute things.

 Are your images licking life or death?

One needs the other to be appreciated. 

Are all fashion shoots about sexual penetration?

Unfortunately no.

What scissors do you use, or are they all digital? 

All images are made and sourced digitally. 

If I was fortunate enough to touch a piece of paper I would draw on it before I cut it.

Would you rather work in fashion or for Apple?

I service all clients with equal enthusiasm.

When you cut, do you feel the image bleeding?

I'm a digital artist so I feel nothing as my medium is nothing.

What underwear are you wearing now?


 If the world is a massive criminal stage, should an artist augment crime or make the existing crimes more visible?

I'm not a "should" person.

 Is it ok to be a self-conscious fashion victim?

Yes, it's all ok. 

Does fashion use more slaves than IT?

"Slave" is better as self defined.

 Is violence sexy?

I try not to yuck other people's yum.

Do you enjoy spreading your art with Instagram?


Are you represented by a gallery?


When did you start?

On Instagram? 2013.

As an artist? 1984.

 What is your favorite brand?


What did you create last?  

A 5 min fashion horror film. 



/ bessnyc4/