During the remainder of the Klara Festival, BOZAR presents the video installation Earth Martyr, Air Martyr, Fire Martyr & Water Martyr (2014) by artist Bill Viola, at the Cathedrals of St Michael and St Gudula in Brussels.

 Departing from the perspective of the ‘witness’, which is the original Greek meaning of the word martyr, Viola confronts the visitor with the suffering of four martyrs subjected to the extreme, invincible forces of nature. The video, which is shown on four plasma screens, ends with a blinding light that shines on the four dead martyrs, The artist encourages the audience to reflect on themes like death, the hereafter, compassion and sacrifice.

Bill Viola

Earth Martyr, Air Martyr, Fire Maryr & Water Martyr

Cathedrals of St Michael and St Gudula


9.3.2016 – 24.3.2016



© Bill Viola. Courtesy Bill Viola Studio and Vanhaerents Art Collection.



/ by Kim Poorters /